Translation check of Genesis


Translation check of Genesis

  • Peter Jan de Vries

Suddenly Barnabas can't help himself and starts laughing, when I read to him Genesis 32:7. This verse describes Jacob's reaction to the news that his brother Esau is coming to him with 400 men. I expected Barnabas to be amused, but the fact that he starts laughing shows me how pointedly the text has been translated into Korowai. Translated back, it reads, "When Jacob heard that, he started sweating with fear."


We are in the Korowai village of Danowage doing a translation check of Korowai Genesis. Since Barnabas cannot read, I read the text to him aloud. He then has to recount it in his own words and sometimes he needs to answer some questions about the text. This is an intense process for both of us, so it's a good thing that the text sometimes makes us laugh. Barnabas especially enjoys the stories of Abraham and Isaac who both say their wife is their sister because they are afraid of being killed. He is also quite amused with how Jacob and Laban try to trick each other. This relationship with your mother's brother is very important in the Korowai culture.


At least two rounds of checking need to be done, which is why I also did a translation check with Lukas Hawiih, the evangelist of Sinimburu. He did not participate in the translation of Genesis and he is a good checker. He can read Korowai, but not very fluently. Therefore, we do the check in the same manner as with Barnabas. That way Lukas can concentrate on the meaning of the translation without spending a lot of energy on reading the text.

It was my goal to do at least 1 check of Genesis during this visit, so I am very happy that I am able to do 2 checks. Now I can move on to the next stage, a check with a translation consultant. After that, Korowai Genesis can be published.


Barnabas is very happy with his new water filter.


Lukas and Behesih with their sons Esau and Rikardo