The Living Christ
Damusi is not happy with this first audio recording and says to us: “I forgot to say that Jesus could see his disciples from the mountain, so let's do the recording again.” I had noticed this too, but because he was telling the story so lively, I let him tell the whole story, with the plan to add the missing parts later.
We are making audio recordings of stories from the life of Christ in the Korowai language and Damusi was just telling the story of Jesus walking on water. Every day I'm working on these stories with Habel, Anton and Damusi. And also with Candra, a recording specialist from Gospel Recordings.
“The Living Christ” is a120 pictures story set from Global Recordings about the life of Christ, imbedded in Salvation History. Habel already has some experience, because he helped me with other audio recordings back in 2009. For Anton and Damusi it's all new and they need some time to get used to the recording procedure, but it only takes them a few stories to get more proficient at it.
Damusi feels personally convicted by the stories he is helping to record, especially by Jesus' parables about earthly riches. For the last couple of years Damusi has been working hard to make money and he is now doing pretty well financially. However, in the process he has hardly paid any attention to the spiritual side of his life. Through Jesus' parables he suddenly realizes that living with lots of money, but without Christ, eventually leads to nothing, and he decides he wants to change this. He tells me that he wants to follow Christ for the rest of his life and wants to be baptized. I'm very happy to hear this.
During the few weeks that I am in Sentani to work on these recordings, we manage to finish 78 of the 120 stories. We hope to continue recording the rest of the stories in 2023. I pray that through these stories many more Korowai people will hear about Christ and decide to follow Him, just like Damusi.