Vetiver conference
Imagine that we could largely prevent or solve certain environmental problems such as landslides, erosion of fertile land, polluted soil and water, etc.
We can! Vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides) was created with the miraculous properties needed for this and in the tropical parts of the world, it has been used for these kinds of purposes for many years.
Every few years, an International Vetiver Conference is organized to present the latest research findings and to further publicize this special grass species. In June I visited the Vetiver conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand, together with my colleague David Price.
What makes Vetiver so special?
- It only grows where it is planted by hand
- It can withstand drought (up to 3 months)
- it can withstand flooding (up to 2 months)
- its roots grow vertically into the ground (up to 5 meters) and are very strong
- the roots can break down and eliminate toxic substances
From stabilizing steep slopes, cleaning up contaminated soil and water, to retaining nutrients in the soil, Vetiver grass can do it all.
I had heard about it before, but this conference really convinced me of the potential of Vetiver's for all kinds of applications.
In addition, the Vetiver plant itself has all sorts of uses: the leaves can serve as animal feed, as mulch to improve soil moisture, or for making local handicraft products. And from the roots an essential oil can be extracted that is used in perfumes.
It was a special experience to be present at the conference and afterwards I immediately start working with Vetiver in Papua.